Police Spray Pipeline Protesters With Water Cannon in Freezing Weather

2016-11-21 409

Police used water cannon on protesters during freezing conditions at a demonstration near the path of the Dakota Access pipeline on Sunday, November 20.

Moreton County Sheriff’s Department said in a statement that 400 protesters had started fires in what it called a “riot”. The clashes focused on an area known as Backwash Bridge, north of the main protest camp, which is located near North Dakota’s Standing Rock Reservation, according to the Bismarck Tribune. Environmental activist Dallas Goldtooth said in a Facebook update that protesters had tried to remove a barricade blocking access via the bridge to Highway 1806.

Activists and protesters shared photos and videos of police using water cannon in 27 Fahrenheit (-2 Celsius) conditions along with reports that tear gas, concussion grenades and rubber bullets had been used by officers.

The Standing Rock Sioux tribe have opposed the construction of the pipeline, which will transport oil from North Dakota’s oilfields to Illinois, via lands near their reservation, due to concerns over the impact on the environment and sacred sites.

These videos show police using water cannon at the demonstration. Credit: Josue Rivas via Storyful

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