President Trump Must Be Made Aware - Trillions Have Been Embezzled. Get that Back to Bring Your Dreams Alive - Trump Adv

2016-11-18 1

King Johnny rules fair say all ways, for Justice is freedom.

Syria is a democracy, in where they mint their own money.. That is why these demons cheat us the facts that count for something. The reason being, that if Americans learned of what the founders were talking on.. they would demand it for themselves..instead of blindly paying 'back' J.P. Morgan and Goldman for money they never covered.. TV America wars God and Humanity as evil false accusing bigot whores of Satan.

Trillions have been stolen through extortion and embezzlement.. All must be returned plus interest.. and people are going to prison for Sandy Hook and the Boston bombings too.. after fairly tried.. The evidence dictates what we find as reality.. No evidence to form a conclusion for capital allegations, such as, "bin Laden did 9/11", has American soldiers dying with lies for the bad guys - cheating all of America of a better future by criminal sacrifice.. God wills justice, ask any Prophet..

Who are you cheating as enemy cowards refusing to demand a defense for American rights not measured fair? Refusing to command yourselves with the self respect, as committed to freedom for the individual to be all we can be.. Not cheated a fair say openly, as then told, we must try to compete in a criminal conspiracy... Oh surprise surprise.. we lose. Not so fast...

I demand a criminal investigation begin immediately, regarding the first degree murder of my mother, Jennie Kinal, murdered she was, by Dr. Colister and Dr. Chisic, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center. Deprived care, while poisoned to die, in an unelected mass murder program against the poor titled, "Comfort Care". The Winnipeg Police Department refuses to allow Homicide look at the case, as they do routinely, regarding all other victims denied the defense of our Laws in Canada apposing murder.

Evidence on the continuing mass
murders in Winnipeg by the complicit Police

I explain in detail, with recordings of me speaking with the police, and the Chief Medical Examiner.. The city refuses to allow me to submit a complaint of murder. Trouble yourself to listen. Lives are still being stolen, simply for being poor. Winnipeg Police state unlawfully, under no circumstances will they allow a complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded to homicide - for those of Winnipeg who are chosen, AGAINST OUR WILL, to be first degree murdered, at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center. My mother was denied her needed medicines, while punched out and suffocated. All evidence is freely available. She nor I, did we will her to die murder victim.. We went to the hospital for help.. If others had warned us, we wouldn't have sacrificed our lives to these mass murderers. The Winnipeg police, as recorded several times, OFFICIALLY claim they are to be left unaccountable as lawless. There are many other victims here, denied our rules of law.

like anyone else would