Pence-led Transition Team Purges Lobbyists

2016-11-16 4

Vice President-elect Mike Pence has reportedly ordered the removal of lobbyists from Donald Trump’s transition team.

The transition team of President-elect Donald Trump appears to be undergoing some changes now that running mate Mike Pence has taken over the process from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. 
Citing an unnamed insider, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that “in one of his first moves, Mr. Pence ordered the removal of all lobbyists from the transition team.”
Fox News indicates that this approach is more in line with Trump’s campaign promise of having fewer special interests in government which he called “drain [draining] the swamp.” 
Two men asked to depart are former Michigan Congressman Mike Rogers who was being eyed to head the Central Intelligence Agency and Matthew Freedman who was organizing the new administration’s White House National Security Council.
Rogers said on CNN Tuesday, “...the people who have been asked to move on have some relationship with Chris Christie...And so there's a whole series of about five of them that fit that criteria that were asked to leave in the last few days.” 
While there are reports of infighting within the transition team, Trump himself recently tweeted, “Very organized process taking place as I decide on Cabinet and many other positions. I am the only one who knows who the finalists are!”  

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