Chinese Garden TLBS Team Edit

2016-11-16 2

What’s a school holiday without a kendama jam session? All of our TLBS Members went down to Chinese Garden in Singapore, a place where scenery is all - to film an edit! The dama used were Fishbone,DealWithIt,KendamaCo,Sweets and many more! Thinking of making an edit yourself, or just want to have fun?! Get a dama now at The Little Badge Store!


Nicole (@nicole.lbs)
Ezekiel (@eze.lbs)
Ryan (@ryanz.lbs)
Long Chuan (@lc.lbs)

Follow us on Instagram: @thelittlebadgestore

Song Used: Rain Man feat. Oly - Bring Back The Summer (Not Your Dope Remix)
*All credits go to the song owner! Please do not take the video down, it is for entertainment purposes only! Thank You! =)

Edited by Ezekiel