Police seize tigers, monkeys, cougar, fox and skunk living in woman’s home

2016-11-16 31

Nye County, Nevada — Trisha Meyer’s been hoarding exotic animals from state to state, but her greed finally got the best of her when authorities searched her house and discovered a circus of animals roaming around the property.

Meyer got busted back in September when a California man reported to police that she’d sold him an exotic kitten for $3,000, but never delivered the feline. Police arrived at her home in Harris County, Texas, and found the animals walking around freely, her 14-year-old daughter petting them. Meyer also told the police the monkeys were vicious and that one had actually attacked someone. She happened to have permits for the tigers, but not for the skunk or fox.

Soon after, Meyer was evicted when police notified her landlord that she’d been keeping exotic animals on the property. The 34-year-old then attempted to move her operation to Nye County, Nevada, but when neighbors called with reports of tigers running around the backyard, police were called in to investigate.

Meyer was arrested on November 7, and her animals have been confiscated, placed in the care of an animal shelter in Houston. Meyer will be extradited back to Harris County on charges of theft and child endangerment.