A Band Of Bikers That Battles Child Abuse

2016-11-15 51

"Outlaw" motorcycle riders and gangs are often viewed in a negative light, but this gang, B.A.C.A. is breaking that stereotype. B.A.C.A. or Bikers Against Child Abuse is an international non-profit charity organization whose main mission is to empower children who have been abused. These bikers are giving children a purpose in life and creating a safer environment for abused children.

Being in B.A.C.A. is a big commitment. Most of the bikers work full-time jobs and do this on the side, but they are very committed. They show up to every single court date, pay for the treatment bills and school supplies parents can't afford, and do anything the child and family needs to feel safe and comfortable. "If we say we're going to be there, we are there" confirmed Irish, President of B.A.C.A Western CT Chapter.

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