Let's Play Final Fantasy VII - Episode 5 - Sector 5 Reactor - Part 1

2016-11-11 1

Hey guys for Final February were going to be playing Final Fantasy VII(7) for the Sony PlayStation(PS1)! In this episode we continue were we left off inside the Winding Tunnels at the Sector 5 Reactor. We then set off to go to the end of the tunnel but see it is blocked off by lasers!. We try going the other way but its blocked by guards that will keep coming after us! We then go back to the lasers and find a chute that takes somewhere else in the Sector 5 Reactor Base and we met up with Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie and finally find a save point! Will we be able to navigate through the Reactor? What kind of foes will we encounter? Find out all this and more on today's episode of Let's Play Final Fantasy VII!

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