Want to know the secret to falling in love like the Italians? Head over here: http://www.yourtango.com/20086562/when-rome
Do you think that you can, um, sort of choose to fall in love with someone or does it have to be magic? Falling in love isn’t a voluntary act. It’s it not a voluntary act. You can’t seek, love it seeks you.
Submit to love, love chooses you.When you find- and love comes you have to lose yourself. Because you can’t help it.
Not because you want to because you have to. Because its there and you cant resist. It’s-
But how do you even love yourself in love? What does that even mean?
If you want to find a satisfying relationship with another you must dispose yourself. For allowing for the love of the other.
It makes perfect sense why I haven’t fallen in love. Thank you very much because I am taught to believe that you shouldn’t lose yourself in a relationship, you shouldn’t lose yourself in love. You have to stay who you are.
Jesus said only the person who loses life, will find it.
You know, I asked people in the street yesterday. What is the most important thing you had to have to fall in love. They all said you have to lose yourself to fall in love.
Look how nice you look! My goodness, we’ll talk about the sneakers but that’s ok. Ok maybe it means being willing to a risk. Making yourself vulnerable. Being open to new ideas. I have a hard time falling in love. That’s why I’m single. The truth is, I hate taking risks. I hate being vulnerable. If I am honest, I have to say you, if you want to happy in the life, lose yourself for love.
And I hate motorcycles. But when in Rome…
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