How Do I Get My Kids To STOP Interrupting Me?

2016-11-10 6

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Let us start by saying that we love our kids wholeheartedly and unconditionally. But from one parent to another, is there anything more frustrating than being interrupted at the absolute worst times? Honestly, it sometimes feels as if our kids will do anything to grab our attention, even if it means becoming a permanent fixture in our conversations. While there's nothing we love more than spending time with our children, constantly having to deal with inappropriate behavior (especially in front of an audience) drives us up the wall!

Parenting expert Tara Kennedy-Kline mentions that this behavior pretty much trickles down to the fact that our kids just want to be seen and heard. And now that we think about it, that makes PERFECT sense. For starters, despite the fact that they are naturally inclined to seek out our attention, being in the company of others can get them super excited considering that they are so used to being around just us. While it's understandable that it's hard for them to not want to grab our attention, it is still unacceptable. After all, there's a time and a place for everything. We definitely stand behind the notion that teaching our kids not to be attention seekers can make a major difference in their lives when they're older. If you're ever in these shoes, Tara Kennedy-Kline's spot on tips on how to show them why they can't always be the center of attention will lead you in the right direction. Teaching them that patience is a virtue is the first step.

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