Just How Real Is "Millionaire Matchmaker"?

2016-11-10 4

You don't need to watch Bravos' Millionaire Matchmaker to know just how crazy finding true love can get. You've been on countless dates and yet, you still haven't found the one. Even though you click online, the sparks disappear as soon as you meet in real life.

So you rule out online dating and call in some matchmaking reinforcements. After seeing just how successful matchmaker Patti Stanger is, you can't help but hope that your own Prince Charming is one call away.

This is where things get tricky.

There's no question that Patti Stanger played a huge part in putting matchmakers on the map. In the past, getting set up by a professional almost seemed taboo. Nowadays, when people are stuck in a relationship rut and need some help in the love department, they seek out matchmaking services without hesitation.

She's even offered spot-on dating advice. She once said "A guy knows right away if he's attracted to you or not. There's no warming up. Men are microwaves, women are Crockpots. Women heat up very slowly. They take in information; they decipher it and download it onto their computer. Men know in one second, yes or no."

But despite how popular (and completely entertaining) the show is, there are some misconceptions floating around that we're just not buying.

Is Millionaire Matchmaker an accurate depiction of matchmaking services?

Before we start, if there's one thing you should remember, it's THIS: Hiring a matchmaker doesn't mean that there's something wrong with you. After kissing so many frogs, it makes sense that you're looking at other options.

Patti Stanger is pretty much know for her straightforward, and brutally honest personality. But does that mean that every consultation a matchmaker will go like this? Absolutely not!

So we asked Matchmakers Paul C Brunson, Peggy Wolman, Jasbina Ahluwalia, Michelle Jacoby, and Marla Martenson to get to the bottom of this. One by one, they dispel the myths surrounding the show.

At 2:25, Marla Martenson says "You're not going to be yelled at. You're not going to be lined up like a police line-up...So it's a softer approach when you're with some real matchmakers. I think a myth on that show is how hardcore it's going to be."

It's clear that these shows aren't reality. But one thing that you can take away from Millionaire Matchmaker is that these services are out there AND they actually work! Don't just take our word for it. In the video, our experts prove time and time again why their clients have a great success rate when it comes to love.

You can be next—you just have to take the first step.

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