Here's The Secret To Making Your Marriage Last

2016-11-10 4

Here's how you can make your love thrive for years to come:

Here's the cold, hard truth. Whether you've been married for thirty years or three month, for many people there comes a time when their marriage is not as blissful as it started. Often it looks like this: the honeymoon ends, everyday life and stress enter in and your marriage is suddenly on the rocks.

We're here to tell you that for the most part, this is normal. But, because we often fear challenges in our marriages, when the normal ones come up, people often fear the worst.

The good news is that it takes a LOT more than some regular old stress to push a marriage to the brink. That said, making a relationship last for a lifetime does take some work. The big question is what should you pay attention to when considering the health and security of your union?

We asked the Experts to weigh in and tell us what the true secret is to a successful marriage?

YourTango's Senior VP Melanie Gorman, author Dr. Sue Johnson, Marriage/Couples Counselor Gal Szekely, Dr. Rita DeMaria, and Marni Feuerman are here to tell you that the secret to a happy and fulfilling marriage actually isn't as hard as it seems.

Consider this, at the 1:15 mark, Dr. DeMaria raises an excellent point about how couples can strengthen their romantic bonds.

She stresses that, "People can take specific types of ways to [bring] that spark into their relationship. In the beginning, it's easy because you've got that chemistry[...] But then you [must] become more intentional over time. As couples get older, especially if they have worked that chemistry and that bond between them, it really begins to come across in an enlivening way."

Trust us, putting in the effort to connect your partner both physically AND emotionally will make a major difference. According to Reader's Digest, "33% more men than women around the world say it bothers them 'a lot' that their significant other isn't more romantic."

This just proves that you've both got to be in it to win it! Our Experts further stress that you must actively strive to keep your marriage fun and fresh. If you're looking for ways to strengthen your romantic bond, these actions are the key to it all.

Have a tip that works to keep your marriage invigorated? We want to know about it. Share your thoughts with our readers in the comments!

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