Cambodian Street Food - How to make Num Som Chrouk (Sticky rice cake filled with Mung Bean and Pork Belly)

2016-11-10 48

Cambodian Street Food - How to make Num Som Chrouk (Sticky rice cake filled with Mung Bean and Pork Belly)

Cambodian cuisine, is the traditional cuisine of the cambodia people, Cambodian food is perhaps the most overlooked of all asian cuisines and too often cambodian cooking is dismissed as a lesser version of thai or vietnamese fare. Living of cambodian people will give you the chance to learn about this much misunderstood cuisine and enjoy its unique charms.

Other street food favorites include black coffee with sweetened condensed milk (kar-fe kmai), Fried noodles (mi char), Fried rice (bay cha), And paté sandwiches (num pang patia) fried rice chicken (bay sach mon). You’ll find these dishes sold by roving vendors pushing carts around town and a small restaurants that set up shop on the sidewalk. For adventurous eaters, Cambodian street food is a great way to learn about local fare while on a budget. On the street many delightful dishes usually cost no more than $1 (low price).

Do you know street food in siem reap? Check out our new siem reap food and spend a morning chowing down on the street, At the old market, And in small local restaurants.

Every afternoon cambodian students sit down to enjoy street food, Because street food is on the street many delightful dishes usually cost no more than $1 (low price).

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