ADNAN OKTAR: Just as prayer is a beauty, just as religion is a beauty; so are women. They are the ornaments of heaven. Women are the most beautiful ornaments of heaven. The greatest faith-related pleasure is the pleasure we feel from the manifestation of God. We feel the greatest faith-related pleasure from the manifestation of God. But the greatest physical pleasure is women. Our Prophet (saas) says; "I was made to love three things in this world: One; good women," in other words, sincere women. He does not merely say 'women,' but 'good, sincere women.' Because an insincere woman causes nothing but trouble. "Two; beloved prayer, and three; fine scents," our Prophet (saas) says. When he was a small child, our Prophet (saas) himself would grow roses in a small stripe-shaped garden he had built between the wall of his house and the road. Every day, he would visit his garden with a bucketful of water and water his roses. And then he would sell the roses he had grown and earn his pocket money with his tiny, beloved figure. This is where his love of roses comes from. Of course, they would gather the petals of roses, put them together and press them extracting rose oil. Rose oil was very popular and valuable in Saudi Arabia. And our Prophet (saas) would always wear rose oil and he would strongly smell of rose. People would catch the scent of our Prophet (saas) from a mile away. And they would be delighted to realize that our Prophet (saas) was coming. The pleasant scent of roses would surround the neighborhood. Masha'Allah.
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