What did Our Prophet (saas) experience during the revelations?

2016-11-09 1

ADNAN OKTAR: "Mr. Oktar, how do prophets understand that they are receiving revelations instead of thinking they hallucinate?” They understand from the revelation's order, fluidity and beauty. For example, at first Our Prophet (saas) got very excited when he saw Gabriel (pbuh) and fainted. Gabriel (pbuh) also embraced and squeezed him and he got even more nervous. He left the mountain running, as you know. He went directly to Hazrat Khadija (ra), saying "Cover me, cover me." They really covered him up with something. But our mother calmed him down. She made him explain what happened, and she said "calm down, don't be nervous about that. What you saw was Gabriel (pbuh), and you are the prophet of God." Notice how she handled it. It was her, who first told him that what he heard was a revelation and whom he saw was Gabriel (pbuh). She said to him he was a prophet and there is nothing to be nervous about. He calmed down after she said so. She was an honest and intelligent woman, one of the most intelligent women of the time, Hazrat Khadija (ra). He then calmed down; since he was alone, he got unbelievably nervous and fainted during the revelation. It is extremely difficult, God forbid. That excitement and fear is difficult to handle. God forbid, somebody else would have had a heart attack. Because he sees Gabriel (pbuh) on the horizon, God says, "He covered the horizon." Think of a being with 100-miles-long wings. A beautiful being with a human appearance, he comes onto him from 100 miles, gets closer and closer and as he gets closer his size gets smaller, but he still has wings, God says "Then he drew near, and hung suspended," he suspended above him. I don't know anyone who could bear this. Also he squeezes him, he embraces and squeezes, so Our Prophet (saas) fainted. No matter what he says there, God forbid, surely he is impressed but he can't get over the fear. Gabriel (pbuh) doesn’t tell him not to be afraid. He just says, "read." Our Prophet (saas) says, "I don't know how to read." After that he gets truly nervous and flees from there. Thank God, he runs downhill. It would have been much worse if it was uphill.

Zayd ibn Thabit says "I was sitting besides the Messenger of God (saas) and suddenly stillness engulfed him from a revelation and he felt faint." They can understand when he receives a revelation. “Our Prophet (saas) goes pale” when that happens he says.

AYLIN KOCAMAN: Every time.

ADNAN OKTAR: Yes, every time a stillness comes onto him. He starts to sweat, and they cover his face with something. Zayd ibn Thabit says, "the Messenger of God (saas) felt faint. His knee fell over my knee." And he says a great heaviness came onto him as the knee of our Prophet (saas) fell over his own knee, such that it almost crushed Zayd ibn Thabit's knee; it was that heavy. A great pressure comes onto him. Surely, we can&

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