Spicy Hillary and Trump dumps as foreign entrepreneurs cash in on election

2016-11-07 10

The US presidential election transfixes the entire planet every four years, and the 2016 edition is no exception.

It is an occasion for other nations to jump on the bandwagon, and shrewd businesses see it as a chance to make some extra cash.

We may find some of the campaign rhetoric hard to swallow, but one restaurant owner in Russia is hoping his special wraps will go down nicely.

“The ‘Trump-wrap’ has more meaty stuffing; it is full of proteins and has loads of calories. It can be compared with his Trump’s difficult life journey, earning billions in the construction sphere. the ‘Hillary-wrap’ is spicier, no matter what people say about her. But she is a very eccentric woman. That’s why you never know where you will burn yourself,” says chef Igor Panteleyev.

Отправляем партию роллсов Хиллари и Трамп в посольство США. pic.twitter.com/YfvbxFbaHS— кафе Роллс Рейс (@Rolls_Race) 7 novembre 2016

In Catalonia a pottery, Caganer, is known for making cheeky sculptures of people relieving themselves, placed in nativity cribs for good luck among the baby Jesus and wise men. Not intended to be mocking, the company has produced celebrity figures in the past, and now has a pair depicting the two leading candidates, yours for 16 euros.

Amo los “caganer” de Hillary y Trump. pic.twitter.com/tIg3UU7Vgm— Marcelo Metayer (@MarceloMetayer) November 6, 2016