Robert De Niro Compares Trump To ‘Insane’ Character From ‘Dr. Strangelove’

2016-11-07 65

On Sunday while addressing the crowd at the Hollywood Film Awards, Robert De Niro veered a bit off topic but did stay on theme.

On Sunday while addressing the crowd at the Hollywood Film Awards, Robert De Niro veered a bit off topic but did stay on theme. 
In accepting an honor for his performance in ‘The Comedian,’ De Niro said, "The shadow of politics is hanging over us whether we like it or not. It's hard for me to think about anything else so let me lay it out right here. We have the opportunity to prevent a comedy from turning into a tragedy." 
In expounding upon the potentially catastrophic ramifications of a Donald Trump presidency, De Niro referenced Stanley Kubrick’s classic film ‘Dr. Strangelove.'
Said De Niro, “I don’t see a lot of difference between Kubrick’s totally insane General Jack D. Ripper and our totally insane Donald J. Trump." He further noted that Ripper was the one who, “pushed the button to cause a nuclear Armaggedon."
The Academy Award winning actor also compared Trump to Groucho Marx’s Rufus T. in ‘Duck Soup,' but commented that “…Groucho’s character is more believable.”

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