FBI clears Clinton, but has the damage been done?

2016-11-07 2

It is a race to the finish line for the US presidential hopefuls.

Hillary Clinton teamed up with basketball star LeBron James to win over voters in the crucial swing state of Ohio.

“As much as you guys would love to hear [more] from me, I would much rather love to hear from our next president…Hillary Clinton,” LeBron told the crowd. The Democrats see the millennial vote as key, and want to see younger voters turning out in their droves.

Zig zagging across country in the final 48 hours of the campaign Clinton told voters in New Hampshire:

“I want to be the president for all Americans, those who vote for me and those who do not vote for for me because we have to heal this country and that’s going to take everyone. We have to remember how to disagree without being so disagreeable.”

The Democrat candidate’s campaign was energised by news that the FBI found no criminal wrongdoing in a new review of emails. It comes just two days before the ballot – has the damage already been done?

“I think it does lift a cloud surrounding her,” said Jonathan Lemire, Associated Press’ Political Writer. “Director Comey’s first letter about two weeks ago rocked the race. It handed Donald Trump, who at the time was down pretty consistently in the polls, handed him a pretty potent political weapon, and he has been for ten days or more hammering Secretary Clinton with it everyday.”

The latest polls show Clinton retains a five percentage point lead over Donald Trump, but the new email probe made the races in the swing states of Florida and North Carolina too close to call.

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