Get Best Cost of Hair Transplantation in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Faridabad/India at Care Well Medical Centre

2016-11-05 62

Get Best Cost of Hair Transplantation in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Faridabad/India
Best Hair Transplant in Delhi, India
Care Well Medical Centre is one of the best Hair Transplant Centre in Delhi. Besides committed towards delivering the best results we also offer the best package/cost for Hair Transplant.

Why Us:
· Advanced BIO-FUE method
· Bollywood/Designer hairline
· No root touch technology
· Minimum graft transaction
· Best hair angle graft transplant
· Latest technology adopted to enhance graft survival
· Team trained by leading National & International hair transplant surgeon
· Member of AHRS & ISHRS

What is the cost of Hair Transplant in Delhi?
Normally the charges are on per Graft basis like some Hair Transplant Clinics charge Rs. 30 to Rs. 40 & some charge between 20 to 30 Rupees per graft.

Calculation goes like this:
Suppose you need 2500 grafts to cover your bald area 2500 X Rs. 20 = Rs. 50 Thousand. So the final price would be Rs. 50,000/- for the complete Hair Transplant. Hair Transplantation Cost in Delhi.

All about Hair Transplant
Most of us take our hair locks for granted. Our scalp is forced to endure the aftermath of unnecessary chemicals, shampoos, pollution and under-nourishment. We fail to understand its worth till it starts deteriorating and falling causing baldness or less full head of hair. This is where hair transplants come to picture.

Hair Transplant:
This is a surgical procedure which involves moving follicles of hair from an abundant area or the “donor site” to a balding spot or the “recipient site”. It is a minimally invasive procedure used in treatment of male baldness. It can also be performed in the restoration of eyelashes, eyebrows, chest hair, beard hair and bald spots caused by accidents or surgical procedures.

Over time, this procedure has gained lot of popularity and has become more sophisticated. Besides covering large areas, it can be effectively used to treat small areas and hair units as little as few hairs can be effectively transplanted. This is usually an outpatient procedure and requires as less as 4-8 hrs.
The main aspect of hair transplantation when compared with the other restoration methods is the permanence of the solution. It also provides a more natural looking and fuller hair growth. There are two main techniques involved in this hair transplantation procedure. Popularly known as FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), these procedures differ primarily in the extraction process involved in it. The transplant procedure post extraction however remains the same with the surgeon preparing the recipient area by numbing it and creating holes or punctures with a needle or scalpel and then carefully insert the grafts one by one. The hair grafts are implanted in such a way that it mimics the patient’s natural hairline. The puncture area will eventually heal and the hair would cover the remaining scars. The procedure will require revisits to the clinic if the patient requires thicker hair growth or if the severity of hair loss is very severe.

FUE and FUT Hair Transplantation

Who can take this treatment?
There is no age limitation and anyone with a hair balding problem can take this treatment. However, this treatment is not recommendable for patients under 21. This is due to the fact that hair loss and balding has a more defined pattern as the patient matures. It becomes less predictable when taken at a young age. Also, the extent and severity of the hair loss condition is difficult to predict and any restoration made will look artificial as the patient ages. Exception to this rule can be made by a certified physician’s diagnosis and conditions where the hair loss is permanent (due to accidents) and not progressive balding or receding hairline. It is advisable that all patients get a proper consultation and rule out any other cause of hair falling before taking this treatment.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)
In this procedure, a linear strip of skin which has hair follicles is extracted from abundant areas which are hair fall resistant like the back of the head or the side. This strip is then dissected into individual grafts. The process overall is a bit more intrusive and involves a certain level of scarring due to the extraction of skin from the donor site. The area which is selected as the donor site is trimmed before the start of the FUT procedure. This procedure allows greater level of accuracy and is beneficial at the longer perspective. FUT however works better for a patient who post treatment would have longer hair and not the shorter hair styles as the scar is likely to show up otherwise. These procedures also require a longer healing time due to the stitches and needs a greater extent of post-operative care.

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