Amelia Earhart’s disappearance during her attempted flight around the globe has been a mystery since 1937. However, an aviation organization suspects she died on the remote Pacific island of Nikumaroro, and it may now have physical evidence to corroborate the theory.
Amelia Earhart’s disappearance during her attempted flight around the globe has been a mystery since 1937.
However, an aviation organization suspects she died on the remote Pacific island of Nikumaroro, and it may now have physical evidence to corroborate the theory.
The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) has announced on its website that “there is a newly discovered similarity between Amelia Earhart and the castaway whose partial skeleton was found on Nikumaroro in 1940.”
According to TIGHAR, the bones were thought to be Earhart’s initially, but that hypothesis was abandoned after a doctor concluded they belonged to a man.
However, an evaluation decades later determined that the remains seemed “...consistent with a female of Earhart’s height and ethnic origin.”
And, more recently, Dr. Richard Jantz, one of the team members, found that the forearm bones were unusually long compared to the upper arm, and a forensic specialist confirmed that the pilot likely had similar proportions.
TIGHAR recognizes that this evidence doesn’t prove Earhart’s identity but hopes it helps to build the case for their theory.