Showcasing YouTube Applications using YouTube API v2

2016-11-01 4

In this video, I show what applications that use YT API v2 look like, just to record history (basically. It's a look at what YT apps look like before YouTube quit using API v2.) Although the video is quite long, I wanted to show you what some YouTube apps looked like before API v3 was required.

At the end, I start an outro three times and only finish the video on the third outro. Sorry about that. I was tired. Be sure to watch all three, though. They all have different info.

Hopefully the audio is alright. I don't have an actual recorder for audio yet. Although I could use my computer for recording the audio, the motherboard has interference, even though that would probably have been better.



Around 13:15 I put text on the screen saying that Tubecast is crashing a little more than it used to. That was noticeable commonly with version; however, the cause of the crash was a memory issue and has since been fixed in version, which is available for free in the Windows Phone Store:

The Lumia 830 was released in September 2014 and was purchased in early 2015, while the Lumia 822 was released in fall/winter of 2012 and was purchased in July 2013.

By the way, I forgot to put a fade in at the beginning of the video. Oh well.





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This video was originally uploaded to YouTube on May 3, 2015 here:

Use the above string to find videos from my main YouTube channel on this site.