Dramatic footage shows hero cops and good samaritans rescue man from BURNING car Mirror Online

2016-10-28 4

The rescuers sprang into action as the crushed up vehicle filled with smoke before prizing the door open with a crowbar and pulling the driver out of his trucks cab\r
This dramatic body cam footage shows the incredible moment hero bystanders pulled a suffocating man from his burning truck after it crashed into a school bus.\r
As smoke filled the “crushed up” vehicle good samaritan Leonard Rogers sprang into action along with two colleagues to rescue the helpless driver.\r
He told TV station WFMY 2 : First reaction was get the guy out or get the fire put out.\r
“We tried to put the flame out. It died out but it flamed right back up.”\r
The trio knocked out a window so the man could breathe then moved the heavy truck from under the bus with the help of six police officers who had arrived on the scene.