Mobile Coffee – Three Reasons Why Coffee On The Go Is Better Than Instant

2016-10-28 3

We’re all looking to cut back on expenditure, and money-saving tips often include foregoing your mobile coffee and making it at home instead. But here are three reasons why instant coffee is a false economy…

1. You don’t get the same caffeine jolt from a cup of instant. It may surprise you to know that instant contains considerably less in the way of caffeine than a cup of filter coffee.

2. Part of the process of preparing instant coffee for consumption is heating it at high temperature. This can release naturally occurring acrylamide, a chemical compound recently found to induce cancerous cells in animals. Although the same results have yet to be proven for humans, it’s fact that coffee freshly brewed by your local mobile coffee van contains far less acrylamide than an instant cup.

3. The main reason to prefer a freshly prepared drink from a coffee van or shop is the taste! Instant may have a long shelf life and cheaper to prepare. But it simply doesn’t have the same aroma and flavour as a hand-brewed coffee from a trained barista.

So go ahead and treat yourself to ‘proper’ mobile coffee from an expert. Don’t you deserve it?

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