Donald Trump Asks Rally Attendees: 'Are We Glad That I Started?'

2016-10-25 8

During a Sunday rally in Naples, Florida, Donald Trump appeared to seek assurance about his candidacy from the crowd.

"When I’m president, if companies want to fire their workers and leave — Are you okay? Listen. When I’m president, this is to me, like, this is why I started. Are we glad that I started? Are we happy?” he asked the audience, according to the Washington Post. “Well, I’ll let you know on the evening of Nov. 8 whether I’m glad.”

This aside from Trump questioning whether he is happy that he launched a presidential bid follows a Friday rally in which the Republican nominee discussed whether he will be satisfied regardless of whether he wins.

"I don't know what kind of shape I'm in but I'll be happy, and at least I will have known, win, lose or draw — and I'm almost sure, if the people come out, we're going to win, but I will be — I will be happy with myself because I always say, I don't want to think back, 'If I only I did one more rally, I would have won North Carolina by 500 votes, instead of losing it by 200 votes, right? If only I did,'" Trump said on Friday after boasting about his busy schedule on the campaign trail. "So I never want to ever look back."

But later in the rally, Trump suggested that he would not exactly be thrilled if he lost.

"Let's do this. November 8th, let's win. Let's win. Let's win," Trump said following "Lock her up" chants from the crowd. "We win, we have lots of options but we got to win. What a waste of time if we don't pull this off."

"You know, these guys have said, doesn't matter if you win or lose, there’s never been a movement like this in the history of this country. I say it matters to me whether we win or lose," he added.

Trump also used his Sunday rally to cast doubt on polls that show Hillary Clinton holding a solid lead over the Republican nominee and performing better with women voters.

“I’ll tell you what, we’re doing well in the polls, but you know, I really think those polls are very inaccurate,” Trump said, according to Politico. “When it comes to women, I think we’re doing better with women than with men. So we’re setting records with men. But I want to set records with women. I hate to tell the men this, but if I could swap, I’d swap you out so fast, you have no idea how fast.”

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