PC Game Gameplays Going Away!!??

2016-10-25 7

So yes I haven't been uploading PC gameplays for a while and there are reasons why. However this doesn't mean that they are completely going away. It's a temporary thing. I am just waiting for a desktop and enough money to buy Bandicam. Please comment if you would donate to me if I made a donation page! Thanks guys and have a fantastic day! Ya'll are amazing!

Win Xbox/PSN Card: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4rgqr8_psn-xbox-1-card-giveaway_fun

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Check out my G+ at: https://plus.google.com/b/100674651984624472568/100674651984624472568

Thanks to Haterade for allowing me to use their song "Annie" for my intro!

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