5 reasons the Republicans ended up with Trump

2016-10-24 0

5 reasons the Republicans ended up with Trump Immigration beat all: The issue of immigration dominated a Republican primary, and GOP voters went for the candidate who was the most conservative on the issue.
GOP voters ignored advice to focus on reaching out beyond the base to minorities: The RNC's 2013 "autopsy" advice said the party needed to reach out to minority voters.
"If our party is not welcoming and inclusive, young people and increasingly other voters will continue to tune us out."
The conservative echo chamber didn't listen to doubts about Trump: Trump trailing Clinton by double digits shouldn't be surprising.
In an April NBC/WSJ poll during primary season, Clinton led Trump in a hypothetical matchup by 11 points, but she was ahead by just two points against Ted Cruz, and she trailed John Kasich by 12.
GOP voters no longer trusted its party elites: A main reason why GOP voters didn't trust their party leaders was because those leaders either over-promised or under-delivered (i.e. Obamacare) or no longer looked like their base (more working class than they were).
Other GOP elites stood quietly on the sidelines: House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell didn't speak up, and those two are now crossing their fingers that Trump doesn't cost them their congressional majorities.