You've learned and mastered the basics of search engine optimization and your Internet marketing efforts for your fledgling business have improved. Is there something in store for you next? Of course there is. Internet marketing dynamics never stop changing so there's never a time you'll find yourself without something to learn. Being able to learn beyond the basics, however, require you to possess and develop certain skills.
Internet is part of technology and it will continue to improve as people continue to invent ways to make communication, data processing, and the quality of life in general better. You should learn how to be at ease and adept in learning how to use new technology. In the past, the Internet possessed only static pages, but websites now possess a high degree of interactivity between website management and users. There are also virtual communities that offer an impressive array of activities for users to get involved with. If you're not prepared to go with the times and understand the latest inventions, you'll never be equipped for the next levels of Internet marketing.