Can bad Hair Transplant repaired and revised : AKClinics

2016-10-20 2
We see cases regularly, where people have gotten hair transplant from places, which are not recognised or do not have experienced doctors. The result is bad transplants or improper hair growth. Most of the times, we are able to correct the damage done and ensure that the patient has the kind of hair, he or she wanted. We have hair transplant clinic in delhi, ludhiana, bangalore and chennai.

If you are thinking whether you should have an FUE hair transplant or FUT hair transplant or Body Hair Transplant, AK Clinics’ surgeons are equally experienced & trained to achieve best results. AK Clinics a best hair transplant center in India with clinics Delhi, Ludhiana, Bangalore and Chennai. Dr Kapil Dua is an internationally leading hair transplant surgeon. To know more about him click-