A stylish and faithful adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's classic short story. Narrated in first-person by James Mason, the main character calmly tells the police of an unnatural revulsion with his landlord's "strange" eye that leads him to murder the landlord and hide his dismembered body under the floorboards of a rooming house.
Rumors for years surrounding this film would have it being in 3-D. However, absolutely no trade magazines list the production as being in 3-D (even pre-filming announcements and in-production articles), and according to Grover Crisp, head of the restoration unit at Sony/Columbia, the original negative bears absolutely no markings that would indicate that the film had any 3-D origins. It is speculated, based on several collectors' memories, that the myth started when super8mm editions of the film were labeled with 3-D stickers by accident, around the same time that stickers were being put on the 3-D shorts that Columbia was releasing in that format.