Colossal Trailer Music - Guardians Of Truth (Epic Powerful Hybrid Orchestral)

2016-10-19 93

Satanist Jews (Illuminati) are Edomites. "I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Judahites, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." (Revelation 2:9)

The Satanist conspiracy that has subverted mankind may be over 2000 years old.
130 years before Christ was born, there was a final battle with the Edomites who lived in the neighbouring land (Edom/Idumea) to Judea. The Judahites won, but their chiefs had become so estranged from God's law that they stupidly forced the Edomites to convert to the Judean religion at sword point, circumcisions and all. Thus began a pattern of false identity that has seen their successors, the Sabbatean-Frankists-Illuminati infiltrate and subvert all nations and all organizations along with their allies.
Sid Green, a Jewish contributor, traces the Illuminati conspiracy to its possible beginnings in the descendants of Esau, the Edomites. by Sid Green

In the truth movement, we often refer to the conspiracy as Masonic-Jewish. This is accurate. But I think it is important to know that within the Jewish people, there are strains of non-Jewish peoples who had been converted to Judaism.

According to Josephus in "Antiquities of the Jews" around 100 BC, John Hyrcanus converted the Edomites to Judaism. The Edomites were the offspring of Esau. God had warned the Jews not to mix with the Edomites. In Kings II 25, the Edomites helped the Babylonians destroy the first temple. Once Hyrcanus converted the Edomites, they became influential in Jerusalem among the scribes, Pharisees, and Roman Government. The mixture of the Romans and Edom is described in the Book of Jasher, and the mixing between the Jews and Edomites is documented in the 1925 edition of Jewish Encylopedia. Josephus also implied that many Pharisees and influential people were Edomites. Herod was an Edomite. They usurped the top positions in the tribe of Judah, and secretly wish to exterminate the true Jewish people.

Shabbatai Tzvi, the Satanic messiah of 1666 called his religion "The holy religion of Edom".

In the doctrine of Shabbatai Tzvi and his successor Jacob Frank, biblical law no longer applies, because the Messiah (Tzvi) had come. Now a new Torah was in effect. The new commandment was to commit sin, and reverse the Ten Commandments.

In a book written by Jacob Frank called "Collection of the sayings of the Lord Jacob Frank", Frank rambles on about various occult subjects, and praises Edom. In the doctrine of Shabbatai Tzvi and his successor Jacob Frank, biblical law no longer applies, because the Messiah (Tzvi) had come. Now a new Torah was in effect. The new commandment was to commit sin, and reverse the Ten Commandments.

In a book written by Jacob Frank called "Collection of the sayings of the Lord Jacob Frank", Frank rambles on about various occult subjects, and praises Edom.

In Saying 251 he says "When you are worthy to come to Esau (Edom), you will feel joy as never before". In saying 590, Frank says "There are gods on the earth but you can not see them. They are the ones who tell people to do all kinds of abominable things". In saying 2153, Frank says, "I tell you, Only Esau and Edom comprise the Good of all worlds. I see that the time is near, for this reason I tell you my help will come from Edom."

Jacob Frank and the Rothschilds follow this Satanic Doctrine. Financial help did in fact come from the Rothschilds who accepted this doctrine.

The Edomites had always worshiped demons. The six point star was a symbol which was used for this purpose. It was the Rothschild coat of arms. Rothschild means "Red shield" and "Edom" means Red. The flags of communism and world revolution are all red. JEWS FIRST TO BE SUBVERTED

In summary, the top positions among Satanic Jews are occupied by Edomites. While calling themselves Jews, they are the worst enemies of the Jewish people, having caused the holocaust (a sacrifice to Satan.)

The Edomites are behind the seemingly "Jewish" movements of communism, atheism, secular thought and the modern financial system. This doctrine offended Orthodox Rabbis who excommunicated the Sabbatean- Frankists. However, after World War II, most Jews were convinced to follow doctrines influenced by Sabbatean-Frankist beliefs such as Zionism, Reform Judaism, and atheism.

Gershom Sholem, in his essay about the Frankists called "Redemption through Sin" describes how Sabbatean-Frankist intellectuals ended up becoming modern secular intellectuals, while covering up their roots. Sholem: "Many of their descendants, particularly in Austria, rose to positions of importance during the nineteenth century as prominent intellectuals, great financiers, and men of high political connections. Such persons, needless to say, could scarcely have been expected to approve of attempts to "expose" their "tainted" lineage."

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