US presidential debate: what are the odds in the country's betting capital?

2016-10-19 13

Tonight (October 19) could be the last chance for Donald Trump to swing the polls in his favour. The final US presidential debate is taking place in the country’s betting capital and Hillary Clinton is currently odds-on favourite to stay on top.

Along with the rest of the country, Nevada has a ban on political gambling. However, online betting is possible and oddsmaker Ben Eckstein laid out the chances for each candidate.

“So for the debate, we’re looking at something that might or might not swing the pendulum in Donald Trump’s favor. Right now we have the odds for Hillary Clinton at 1-5 — put up five dollars, get back only one. At this moment, Donald Trump is 9-2. You would put up two dollars, you would win back nine dollars.

“So in the betting world [...] Hillary Clinton is the substantial favourite. Donald Trump right at the moment a substantial underdog and the only way we see for him to move the needle is to have a phenomenal debate and Hillary to stumble, fall, something dramatic happen, which probably won’t.”

Up for debate will be topics such as immigration, the economy, foreign hot spots and suitability for the presidency. Fox News’ Chris Wallace will moderate.

But some Americans say it will have little effect on the way they vote.

Nevada resident Oliver Jones says he’ll vote for Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson and added that the debates appear to be staged.

“I wonder how many rehearsals that they have before they do the debate, because it all seems like a reality television show to me.”

Jan Dilly, from California, said she is undecided on who to vote for, but it definitely won’t be Hillary Clinton.

“What’s coming out of Wikileaks, I mean, people are going to have to form their own opinion from things like that, I think, rather than the actual debate,” she explained.

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