Commercialproperty2sell : Hotel & Motel For Sale In Katanning South Western Wa

2016-10-19 15

This motel has been run under management for the past 6 years. Total land area on 3 titles is 4223m2. It comprises 34 rooms, restaurant, well equipped kitchen and manager's apartment.

Occupancy rate Monday to Friday has been running at around 80% to 90% with weekend 20% to 50%, there is a large comprehensive plant and equipment list much of which has been replaced in the last 2 years. A new owner / operator should not have to spend money on plant and equipment for some time.

This motel represents good value and shows a good profit.

Price reduced by $100,000 to $2.1 million. Motivated seller would like to receive proposals for the purchase of this well patronised motel.

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