The British deep state got the idea of carrying out genocide on the Turks from Darwin

2016-10-18 17

BÜLENT SEZGİN: Darwin says, "I believe that the lesser races like the Turks will be eliminated."

ADNAN OKTAR: The British deep state first expressed this idea through Darwinism under the guise of philosophical scientific perspective. He claimed that the Turkish nation would be eliminated in the coming centuries. In other words, he said that this would happen within a century, which is now. This is a quote from Darwin. All members of the British deep state emphasize the necessity of eliminating the Turkish nation through genocide. And they say "This has to be done". Therefore, the government should distribute heavy weapons among the special operations teams and the police. We should take all manners of precautions against amphibious, land or air assaults. The police should be provided with thousands of anti-aircraft or anti-armor guns. 

Since they are organized all around the world, and are supported by the British deep state, they can act easily. They hold an incomprehensible animosity towards Turkey. Darwin's statement is quite clear. Read Darwin's statement regarding the Turks please.

KARTAL GÖKTAN: "I could show fight on natural selection having done and doing more for the progress of civilization than you seem inclined to admit. Remember what risk the nations of Europe ran, not so many centuries ago of being overwhelmed by the Turks, and how ridiculous such an idea now is. The more civilized so-called Caucasian races have beaten the Turkish hollow in the struggle for existence. Looking to the world at no very distant date, what an endless number of the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world." 

ADNAN OKTAR: Again, please. Read that last part once more. 

KARTAL GÖKTAN: "Looking to the world at no very distant date, what an endless number of the lower races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world." 

ADNAN OKTAR: There is no such thing as "higher races." The only race they deem higher is the Anglo-Saxon race. This is how Darwin regarded the British as well. And this is what the British claim. And they see the Turkish nation as a lower race.
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