Mysterious Hallucination-Causing Illness Seemingly Spread By Touch Hits Oregon Hospital

2016-10-17 32

Authorities in Coos Bay, Oregon say that five people were affected by a hallucination-causing substance seemingly spread by touch, but exactly what the corrupting agent is remains unknown.

Authorities in Coos Bay, Oregon say that five people were affected by a hallucination-causing substance seemingly spread by touch, but exactly what the corrupting agent is remains unknown. 
According to Oregon Live, the first victim, a 54-year-old caregiver taking care of a 78-year-old patient, called the Coos County Sheriff's Office twice from late Tuesday to early Wednesday, reporting that up to eight people were breaking into her car by trying to tear its roof off.
Though no evidence of such a crime was discovered, after the second call, deputies suspected the caregiver was seeing things and transported her to an area hospital, notes KVAL. 
Not long after, the responding deputies, a hospital employee, and the 78-year-old patient began experiencing hallucinations as well. 
For a time, it was thought the fentanyl patch being worn by the elderly woman was the cause of the outbreak, but it has since been ruled out. 
Thus far, investigators have examined all affected, but have yet to isolate the cause.