Hey guys for Mega March were going to be playing the Mega Man Anniversary Collection for Nintendo GameCube! In this episode were going to be playing Mega Man 2 for the NES and we are going to do Flash Mans Stage! Will we be up for the challenge, will we be able to traverse those slippery platforms, can we destroy those Sniper Joe's inside the Mecha Suits, can we be as flashy, can we beat him? Find out all this and more on today's episode of Let's Play Mega Man Anniversary Collection! Also if you watch, like and comment on this video you will get one entry, if you favorite this video you'll get a 2nd entry, and if you share this on Facebook, Twitter or Google + you'll get a 3rd entry for the FREE MEGA MAN AMIIBO GIVEAWAY at the end of the month! SUPER AMAZING FIGHTING ROBOT MEGA MAN!
Here is a link to the multiple paths you can take for this game http://kict27.blogspot.com/2015/03/mega-man-2-multiple-boss-paths.html
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