Observers of the US presidential election race could be forgiven for thinking that all domestic and global issues have been completely sidelined.
The campaign has become dominated by allegations portraying Donald Trump as a sleazy sex predator, while the Republican candidate has retaliated by trying to focus attention on the sexual transgressions of Bill Clinton.
Euronews’ Washington correspondent Stefan Grobe gives his assessment of the latest events, and what is likely to come:
“For whoever thought the presidential campaign was ugly, here’s some news: you ain’t seen nothing yet. Ten women made allegations of sexual assault against Donald Trump in one day, accusing him of touching them without their consent. The candidate denied it all as a partisan smear while also stepping up his attacks on Bill Clinton’s past infidelities. Trump is considering to parade several women who accused Clinton of rape at campaign rallies to destroy the character of Hillary Clinton. Many analysts see Trump’s latest strategy as a sign of desperation, as he has tanked in the polls. Trump seems to be hoping to bring down Clinton voter turnout in order to keep his own chances alive. With less than four weeks to go until Election Day, we might not have seen yet the highest level of ugliness in this campaign.”