The Prophet Joseph (pbuh)'s brothers, who threw him into a well, were hypocrites too

2016-10-11 2

ADNAN OKTAR: The Prophet Joseph (pbuh)'s brothers showed the signs of hypocrisy. "When Joseph placed the container inside their products, his brothers immediately blamed their youngest brother.  “He used to steal anyway, his brother was the same too," they said. Look, they accuse the Prophet Joseph (pbuh) of stealing. Hypocrites are not only thieves, but also their soul has a strong disposition towards slandering, treachery and scheming. For example, here we can see a typical hypocrite behavior. Hypocrites are very vile. They have absolutely no principles, they are shameless, dishonorable and animal-like creatures with dull souls who will do anything to satisfy their primordial desires, their souls are like pigs'.

GOKALP BARLAN: You said that above all else, they are jealous. They are jealous of their brother, Joseph (pbuh).

ADNAN OKTAR: They are very envious, extremely envious. If someone else is loved other than themselves, hypocrites get offended. They want all the attention on themselves. That is why they look like they are hungry for love, but that is not love, it is pride and vanity. Their purpose is to feel superior. They envy the love Prophet Joseph (pbuh) receives and they attempt to murder him, look at how deviated and tainted hypocrites' moral values are. Hypocrites cannot tolerate it when someone else is loved instead of them. They want all the attention on themselves. They want everybody to love them, not anyone else. And the purpose behind that desire to be loved is the feeling of superiority. I mean, they do not care about being loved in real terms. They build their whole life around superiority and reputation. And they are capable of performing all manners of schemes and tricks for it. As an example, just look at what kind of schemes and treachery they employ to martyr the Prophet Joseph (pbuh). For example, they are thinking of leaving him at the bottom of the well, or other treacherous ways to harm him. That woman is like that too, because she has the soul of a hypocrite, she supposedly loves him.  Whereas she becomes obstinate there, she becomes egocentric. And because of her deviation, her egocentricity and deviation she says, "How can you defy my orders?" Otherwise, it is not because of her love towards Prophet Joseph (pbuh), she tries to send him to jail. Does a loving person try to send someone she loves to jail? He serves seven years in prison, she does not even know, nor does she care, seven years. Is this something that a loving person would do? Hypocrites harbor immense hatred and grudge. They exploit love for pride, grandness and superiority. As God says, "There you are, loving them when they do not love you." Believers are unaware of this, and due to their good intentions, they show love and compassion towards them. But God says those treacherous creatures do not have love, "they don't know love," God says. For that reason, if hypocrites are not