Metin Demirtas, Ramazan (2015) - Mukabele. Hud suresi (109-123) - Yusuf suresi (1-14). Part 3/4. Kopenhag Kocatepe Cami. Danimarka. Kabe imamı Sheikh Mahir taklidi.
Qur'ân recitation in Ramadhan, Copenhagen Bigmosque "Kocatepe Camii" Denmark. June, 2015. From surah Hud, ayah (109-123) until Surah Yusuf (1-14).
Last Second Part of 3/4 of video recordings.
By qaari Metin Demirtas.
İmitation of the Sheikh Maher Muayqali , imam al Haram al Makki Sharif
تقليد لشيخ ماهر معيقلي، امام مسجد ال حرام
من سورة هود، ءاية ١٠٩-١٢٣ + سورة يوسف ١-١٤