Metin Demirtas, Mukabele, part 1-5, Yusuf Suresi, ayet 53-95. Kopenhag Kocatepe. Danimarka. 26-6-15

2016-10-08 12

Metin Demirtas, Ramazan - Mukabele. Part 5/5. 13. cüz, İbrahim Suresi, ayet 43-52. Kopenhag Kocatepe Cami. Danimarka.
Kabe imamı Sheikh Mahir taklidi.

Qur'ân recitation in Ramadhan, Copenhagen Bigmosque "Kocatepe Camii" Denmark. June, 2015. From surah Ibrahim, ayah 43-52. Last part 5/5 of video recordings. By qaari Metin Demirtas.
İmitation of the Sheikh Maher Muaqely

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