Never Say Nevertkdzb Music Box Anime Danganronpa The Animation Op

2016-10-05 35

It's just further proof how in bed with terrorists your government is. People should be uprising and overthrowing their government who has been proven time and time against to be commiting and supporting acts of terrorism around the globe.
[] Thank you for the early morning belly laugh
[] "Yea, uhh, how do I pop a beach ball?"
[] I think I watched the video from smarter everyday like a month or 2 ago
[] I'm not a witch! I'm your wife!
[] Show starts around 2 min
[] Barely, just salt the ice heavily.
[] I do. I love doing math the long way, it's good exercise for my poor battered brain
[] How big yo dick is?
[] You go gurl!
[] If my ice isn't at least -45 is just not cold enough.
[] Marfan syndrome, most likely.
[] How much is a pint at a bar? Or a case of 24 beer?
[] I'm not surprised by people calling Trump supporters that at all. I just think it's ridiculous. To me, it sounds equivalent to one of those conservatives who would say "yew fuckin' libtards are all so pussified." My point is I guess that people are so emotionally attached to one candidate or another that instead of looking at the actual political stances of each candidate, they reduce themselves to spewing garbage, over-used, and unprovoked insults at the other side. It's just sad to me that our nation (presumably you're from the U.S.) has become so polarized over the issue.
[] Can you show me where the racheting rachets are?
[] That is a good reason.
[] When I was 19 I went to a house party that was raging pretty hard. In the back they had several kegs and were doing "keg stand wars" to see who could outlast their opponent. I decided to give it a go because, hey, it's college and it's something I wanted to try. Well, I ended up doing much better than people expected. About 40 seconds into my keg stand someone took off my shoes and threw them...somewhere? I found one shoe but I couldn't find the other; as I walked around with one shoe I felt like I was sporting a trophy.
[] But nothingness is something takes another hit
[] Loon.
[] In college about to graduate with a 3.8 GPA
[] They sound deplorable. I bet they even vote for Hillary.
[] Can you justify that anything at all deserves hate?
[] Maybe she's just shortening the phrase "Tom, Dick, and Harry," and now uses 'Harry' to mean 'man.'

It's like how people on the south refer to all sodas as 'coke.'
[] (Here)[]
[] I stand corrected op isn't entirely full of shit. This really shows how a good idea (empowerment for minorities and education on white privilege) can go way too far. No one is born a racist and shouldn't be made feel guilty for the color of their skin, but education on the benefits (due to the system they have created) that non minorities experience is not a bad thing.

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