Lifelong Democrat And Former Bernie Sanders Supporter Unloads On Hillary And Explains Why She Is Vot

2016-10-05 0

Actually laughed out loud
[] I remember when our neighbours became the first family on the block to get a door. All the neighbourhood kids would flock over there after school to open and close it.
[] Like post on reddit?
[] He was using it as a example and this person should look up similar laws in his own state
[] you're right. There is no real difference, not that anyone can explain in any kind of robust logical argument.

there is an article here :

that tries to explain how they are different and in my humble opinion completely fails.
I remember her storming past me in the living room

[] Worked in a call center doing directory assistance. I had a customer call and ask for the number to 911. "It's 911." "Yeah, but what is the phone number?"
[] Hello enhancehealthtv,

This comment will be deleted shortly, but my reply to it will stick around.

Thank you.
[] same here. I wish for once the shit hit the fan and show us what mother earth is capable of. She has been taking it too easy on us.
[] Yeah, but it takes a while for horror to set in. He recognized the "blood" way too quickly.
[] This one's backwards, I was the customer. I was signing up for a service and they asked where I was from. I said England, they asked which state England was in.

Here's your sign.
One person associated to the UN does not qualify as the UN.

That's not correct. The UN generated a report stating the US should pay reparations and that report was generated by a group of "experts".

"The report was produced by the United Nations’ Working Group of Experts on African Descent and strongly condemned America’s “racist” history".
[] I was writing a Java application for class. What's creepy about that?
[] also, it's never considered that someone committing a suicide may actually have good reasons. No, we always have to "rescue" them and make life even shittier for them because they suddenly have everyone bothering them about it and stuff.
I always thought that when someone is an adult, let them do it. Sure there are some that regret it, but there also many that don't and ultimately it should be their decision.
[] Can you imagine if it beelined right into Orlando? The destruction would have been absolutely incredible.
[] Jurassic World didn't do it for me either.
[] Mm, I love desert! I'm totally an ice-cream guy.
[] Life time cashier at the local Walmart? Not even once.
[] You're an idiot if you really believe this wasn't staged.
[] Not really that stupid a question. Is it my lifetime or that of the product?
[] The Maul-o-matic 5000
[] If someone has cancer, do you say "I'm sorry for your loss"?
[] Im skinny and can't fight. I quickly learnt to develop a fast tongue to put potential bullies down before they got a chance to beat me up.

I have learnt to realise words hurt ALOT. I have never had someone tell me I made them miserable but I can be very harsh when I want to be
[] *due fur a diet
[] Are you a wizard?