Joe Biden Our Touchyfeely Vice President Supercuts

2016-10-05 14

The vitriolic circle-jerks that happen on major events. Sometimes you get an interesting article, or a piece of news, and then all of a sudden there's this alt-right, or crazy left circle jerk happening in the comments. No discussion, just pure shite.
as he wouldve kept us out of vietnam

Wasn't he the one who got the US involved in Vietnam in the first place?
[] I'd like better codes. When something goes wrong, I can pull the codes, but sometimes that doesn't tell me what's actually wrong, just what could be wrong. Nothing like paying 450 bucks for something that you could have done yourself, if you'd been confident that was all that needed to be done.
[] Are you serious? A degree from Oxford? Why would you need that to form an educated opinion on this matter?

Also if your country is so important to you, why do you make such an important decision based on your feelings?
[] Yeah, a
[] More so the women who would choose to breed with him.
[] You've never had a video game marathon?
[] Immigration works better in US and Cananda because we all share an immigrant history. The countries are only a couple hundred years old.
[] Illegal in all states except Texas
[] I used to work in sales for a moving company and we ask a lot of questions to run a quote. I asked this lady if she would need our service for less than a month or longer, asking if she needed us to store anything. She replied "Oh whatever works best for you."
[] you see this is why we need flamethrowers.
[] Automotive Technology
[] Private Prisons. People focus on them when the problem is all of our prisons not just the 8% that are privatized.
[] sithi uhhhhhhhhmmmmmm
[] 454
[] From my personal experience payroll should cut you a check for the amount over withheld. It will be their responsibility to collect it back from the states they paid, they'll probs do a negative recoupment of the funds from OR if other employers do happen to live in OR and work in WA.

I thought there was a rule that all fine pay had to be paid to the employee within a certain amount of time after they've left the company that includes errors. I don't live in WA so I can't say for certain. Good Luck~!

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[] At mcdonalds drivethru, "do the mcnuggets have plastic in them?"
[] Being ashamed and being aware are two different things. Blacks in this country are still dealing with getting fucked and looked at as lesser for basically the entire time our country has existed.
[] M E T A



[] Well looks like it's time to see how much your doctor wants as a bribe for good doctors note. Or break your pinky or some other non important body part.
[] You just made it have over 1000 people reading it.
[] Totally legit
[] The inmates, all day.
[] Thats something I also kind of wish I could have experienced, country before bro country. The best current artists I can find are Eric Church and Chris Stapleton..

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