Hillary Clinton Doesn't Recall Joking About Droning Julian Assange

2016-10-05 18

Edgy as fuck fam
[] In the butt
[] No worries. They'll come around eventually.
[] So I work at a tire shop, had a women come in to buy tires. After we finished she looked upset and said "wait, so you guys don't replace that part(referring to the actual rim) when you change tires?" No ma'am, we just change the tires.
[] You rub shampoo into those cuts often?
[] Yeeeeeeeeheeeeeerraaaaaaaa
[] It's too early for Halloween.
I'm sorry to tell you, but I haven't gained the superpower to make hair grow."

[] It sounds really nice without the walking part.
[] Oh yeah? Well what if I copy and pasted that thing that says I don't give facebook permission to my personal information?!
[] To satisfy Americans who insist on having grapes and are happier with a zombie Frankenstein grape than something new.
[] Happy was my favorite character from the show
[] On the whole people are more likely to throw out a compliment without any thought.

"Oh, you've lost weight" Doesn't mean they think you've really lost weight necessarily, but people say it as a throwaway compliment. Unless you've been actively trying to lose weight or get toned you'd get this.

When someone says something mean, usually they pick something specific "Well your teeth are fucked up anyway". Because it's more specific and intentional we take it more to heart.

It's not always 100% like this, a lot of people give compliments on specific things with a lot of thought put into it but the enjoyment from a compliment can be a brief smile where a well aimed insult can ruin your day.
[] It is, in fact political scientists in Maine suggested that without eliot cutle lepage would have won a small majority. As it was he won with 48%, which is over 10 percentage points more than his first term with a greater turnout.
[] I just looked this up and it seems terribly sad.

If I knew something would never be a reality for me, a little taste of it would probably send me into crisis.

It's not like they could be constantly high on dmt.

Talking about chasing the magic dragon.
[] Does anyone have a live stream running? Would be interested to see the conditions currently
[] He's dead. If they bring him back he'll have to be CGI because Harrison Ford is never doing Han Solo again. He hated the character and doesn't care for Star Wars. He only agreed to be in this film for a huuuuge amount of money and a cut of the profits. He's 100% done with Han Solo so you can rest assured Han Solo died on that bridge.
[] But it's 7:05
[] Jacko Hooper
artist pic

Jacko Hooper is a singer/songwriter from Brighton, UK.



http://www.twitter.com/jacko_hooper Read more on Last.fm.

last.fm: 2,751 listeners, 16,765 plays
tags: folk, acoustic, male vocalists, indie, alternative

Please downvote if incorrect! Self-deletes if score is 0.
[] Wouldn't have it any other way
[] If at first you don't succeed, try another brand of chloroform.

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[] The double standard here is that many British Indian and Pakistani people voted Leave because EU rules made it more difficult for their families to come to the UK.
[] Asking the tuff questions
[] "Do you like working [insert point] ?"

Sunny weather
a time and/or place you definetly would NOT like working
