Emmys Best Moments Tatiana Maslany And Tony Hale Have A Bean Fight

2016-10-05 1

Incredibles circle jerking
[] As an Indians fan,.........yep.
[] At that point I would say she deserved it. You'd think she would have learned
[] with #1, I'm sure you can relate to Clerks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9khHJTztKk
[] Trash bag sweatshirt.
[] Unrelated to your final paycheck, but are you currently claiming unemployment?
[] CNN says they are good because they increase global stability.
[] War Pigs back to the Salem Witch Trials. I'd band all the real witches together and lay waste to villagers.
[] Welp, logic has gone straight out the window. Cops who have legitimate reason to shoot don't shoot, cops who have no reason to shoot do shoot. Of course then, if a cop shoots, legitimate reason doesn't matter if it's a black person.

Both sides are being stupid IMO. Police keep talking about not being trusted but do jackshit to be trusted(how many bad apples are we going to need before we realize the fucking tree has rotted?). The so-called "civil rights" people on the other hand protest everything even when the person killed flatout deserved to get shot for being violent or a threat.

Both sides are quite seriously protecting their bad apples. Cops are defending bad cops and the BLM(or whoever else) defend the person who was shot regardless of whether they were a threat or not. Nothing is going to get solved in this manner. They'll just keep throwing accusations and insults at one another...
[] That's how my moms pup greets me, with a belly rub request. My mom's always like "don't you wish all girls were that easy?"
[] /r/twoxchromosomes. Jesus.
[] Barcelona has got beach , history, art, entertainment places.
[] He's sweet as hell and intelligent when he wants to be. But the instinctual stuff like retrieving he can be the biggest dufus about. Oh and going for rides to the bank or drive-thru. He knows all the places that have treats and WILL be hanging out the window waiting for it when we pull up. Even if that means sitting in my lap, at 70 pounds it makes it a bit hard to drive.
[] I was seriously asking, thanks ;) Foreign job-specific accronyms are not something I'm well educated in.
[] Not me but I overheard a customer who was being shown Google street view on a phone for the first time say, "Is it live". The poor guy had no idea how to respond.

"Yes, there are live cameras in nearly every street of the UK that you can control the position of"
[] I'm sure that imperialism felt like forced immigration to the people already living there.
[] It can buy me a boat.
It can buy me a truck to pull it.
It can buy me a Yeti 110 iced down with some silver bullets.
[] The idea the athletes are overpaid is retarded. They are paid a small percentage of money that they bring in. A teacher is a more noble position than an athlete yes, but a teacher doesn't directly generate millions upon millions of dollars. If millions of people are willing to spend thousands of dollars on you, why do you not deserve to get paid to reflect that.
[] Ohhhh so Apple makes them.
[] In Australia, Lattes, macchiatos, and espressos tend to be served in glasses, and many places use 'cup/mug' as equivalent 'small/large' for the other drinks.
[] Yeah. I got kinda mad just watching it.
[] Fun fact: The main reason why large parts of Thailand remained untouched by European colonials is that the King at the time was smart enough to play the English against the French to the point where neither took Thailand because they were more busy arguing about who should get it.
[] A black sea hare
[] Im trying to make you think about the meaning of what you are saying.
[] Yoooooooooooo


+17 Boing Karma.


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