Cnn Edits Keith Scott Shooting Video To Make Him Seem Unarmed

2016-10-05 9

Agreed with most of your posts so far, but that is flat out, 100% wrong.
[] This and the lizard... Someone's grandma is apparently a careless terrorist building a dirty bomb.
[] I would've joined, but I have a moderate-to-severe hearing loss. Is that good enough?
[] True but auto rotation is only safe at certain altitudes & speed iirc
The salvation army always does good work,

So long as you're not gay. If you're gay, you can fuck right off. No, I won't help the salvation army anymore. We've got a local food pantry that does more good.
[] What if he was hoping you had a soda machine, and were able to turn it into sparkling apple juice for him - instead you stared him down, and now he suffers from social anxiety, and fear of apple juice, to this very day...
[] Not a doctor, but the short answer is no.

The long answer is that there is very little chance a flying bug will burrow into your brain from your ear canal. Firstly, your ear drum will block access from your outer ear to your middle ear. If somehow it perforates and gains ingress through the ear drum, it will have to swim through a lot of juices in your middle and inner ear. Considering the only direct route from your ear to your brain is the auditory nerve, the insect will basically suffocate/drown/starve in your ear system. It'll be painful, there might be some long-term damage and you'll probably need surgery, but you'll definitely survive.
[] I'd rather cry in a Ferrari than cry in a Honda (unless it was an NSX or something...)
[] /r/marijuanaenthusiasts
[] Huh, that does sound like a pretty decent perk to the job.
[] Most disgusting: a cockroach or some kind of snail
[] The list goes on.
[] Just use Flint water
[] My mom asked what meat was in a steak biscuit from mcdonalds. The cashier then has to ask the manager, and the manager said "i-its meat"
[] Barley is a cunt. This guy seems quite nice. Not everyone in a media field is a prick
[] Yeah I'm guilty with the alcohol as well. It doesn't help that I go to the pub a lot to and order food.
[] I dreamt I was on tour with Isaac Hayes.
[] With Trump's fake charity and self-dealing, this former prisoner may very well be "Trump-smart!"
[] I worked at a drug store and had a lady ask me where she could find the Kentucky jelly.
[] "Jesus died fitness our sins, right?"
[] Yes correct. That's why i train with wood so I can bench more. I can bench 500 kg of wood but only 100 kg of iron. It's even easier with plastic. I can bench over 2 tons of plastic because it's much less dense and doesn't weigh as much.
[] This guy is an active climate control deniar, how the hell did he get elected.
[] As an American, based on stereotype, the Brit the most and the Italian the least. Based on my experience, the exact opposite.
[] Have anxiety disorder, can confirm that BoJack Horseman did indeed help.

I mean, it didn't help me get over it, but it helped put a lot of issues in perspective. Man, that show is a masterpiece.
[] Wait, are you saying there was private property in communist Poland? The heck dude?

And I was pretty clear it's not my story or opinion. One of my friends from Poland was trying to explain to me why another Polish friend was anti-Semitic, because I was as puzzled as the guy farther up the thread.

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