[] I love your use of syllables..I'd love to read" /> [] I love your use of syllables..I'd love to read"/>

Why Urien V Ibuki Is A Matchup In Sfv

2016-10-05 7

"Oh no. Please. Stop. Don't pay your bill."
[] I love your use of syllables..I'd love to read something in a 5/4 rhythm....great stuff..truly!!! (soryy I'm drunk)
[] No not really. Many of them are big in UK.
[] Some people legitimately don't care...that's what most of you are missing. If you lived most of your life in a house, raised your family and have all your memories and such tied up in it, and you've lived a full life then what? Maybe you don't feel like packing up and starting over, maybe you're fine with fate taking it's course.
[] Forget the Lego I just would strip naked because they can't show that in their PG movie.
[] Fiction, Mythological fiction, Mystery thrillers and stealth, first and third person shooters
[] "Can I get a bacon cheeseburger no bacon"

[] A murder of crows
[] Say m'lady, would you mind kissing the midget who's back im on ;)
[] To become a helicopter parent and a bad one at that too, I'll never try to dictate every detail in my kid's life, lord knows I don't want him to grow up to be fucked up like me.
[] The scale. Imagine never knowing what you weighed!
[] My vagina's nickname is hobby.

That'll be $50, please.
[] It actually means "elderly" FYI.
[] Thinly-veiled threats are common in politics. Don't worry about it too much.
[] Are you kidding? It takes a couple of minutes. Even with all the prep involved, it's not an hour.
[] Tabs for indenting, spaces for alignment.
[] Jet Li. Trained by Bruce Lee. He would kick your ass before you could scream like a little girl.
[] Reminds me of the girl who called me with a similar problem. During the conversation, though, she discovered the cause of the problem herself. There was a banana resting on the keyboard.
[] Going past the Karman is indeed space, but for only a few minutes.

BO going to space is like an iceberg tour giving you hip waders so you can get 20 ft closer by walking out in the water. Not really going to space, just sampling it.

Still, this is all validation for the New Glenn, which is very cool!
[] When a movie has Princess Lea with a flamethrower, rocket launcher, and M16 you can't go wrong.
[] I worked at a video store way back when that was a thing. I had this exchange nearly every day:
"This movie is due back by [day] at 6PM"
"6PM at night?"
[] Can confirm this had I think a Magnavox set when i was a kid. We lost the remote for it in a huge fluffy recliner. My fat ass babysitter who lived with us for a time would always end up changing the channels or volume when she wiggled in her seat. Was annoying till we found it finally.
[] "Fuck sake mum, you're drunk again?!"
[] Acting tough and saying that what I'm talking about should be the norm are two different things. Just because something goes against the flow doesn't make it edgy.

The fact that the majority of people nowadays are so easily moved is partly the reason why terrorism works so well.
[] You're fucking welcome.


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