Republican Debate Donald Trump's Buying Politicians

2016-10-05 11

Napoleon Dynamite, the show?
[] Forcey Fun time? [TRIGGERED]
[] There is a shitload of stuff available at most delis. It isn't worth it to spend 5 minutes checking the whole display when we have a worker infront of us whose job involves knowing what they have available,
[] I wish. I'm fat and old now.

Well, fatter and older I guess.
[] Why does this mean you need to be single?
[] Routine checks??? -_-

I don't go to the doctors when I'm well, why would I go to the dentist when the chompers are good?

(haven't been for 4 or more years and still, at age 24, no work done to my teeth)
[] No I am an Electrical Engineer who does a lot of work at ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) in AIX. I was thinking Norway when you mentioned the fish. You can laugh but its going to happen. No one thought the UK would leave. France is next. Trumps going to get elected. The people are going to fight back and take controll. First thing get rid of all fossil fuels. No more bribes from BP and the like. You know the dumbest people are always the followers who cant think for them selfs and watch state news.
[] Related
[] Can you elaborate? I never knew that.
[] Sorry bro, he's not the Guardian of your data.
[] Ive got a 'Fallout Time' Tshirt so in the style of adventure time but its a dude in power armour with the flag and its a shishkebab through the title instead of a normal sword haha
[] haha Yeah thats funny :D
[] Exactly, senseless.
[] A wireless security system? Isn't that just a big guy at a door or a gun?
[] I think it's a safe bet that Zippytaco is a woman.
[] See I still don't think you understand what was being said. No one, at least not in this chain, ever said the exact meaning of the word excused its use. No one said its meaning meant anything, and in fact we essentially said the literal definition was irrelevant as the word is still harmful.

You're one of those people who likes to be a one-upsman. You like picking arguments that don't exist to try and seem intelligent and it ends with you saying nothing of any importance and blowing hot air for hours.
[] Seattle, the mountains and evergreens have this atmosphere I want to be a part of. At least once, for a bit.
[] Human interaction
[] In my family we call it a twiddler, classic Dad shit.
[] Maybe they need to try harvesting the lower horn?
[] in The bus that couldn't slow down
[] Wouldn't the equivalent be the ice blended drinks? You could suggest that.
[] You da real MVP of creepy
[] Slam doors and swear
[] I worked in many retail jobs, and you get a look about you that causes people to assume you work where you shop. I think it has to do with how you scan the shelves. Still happens to me, years later. Sometimes it's just easier for me to help the customer than explain.