Matsuoka Shuzo 松岡修造 あきらめかけているあなた Never Give Up English

2016-10-05 35

The one outlawing murder.
[]Anyone with super baggy clothes has terrible hygeine
[]Not really. More like when someone writes a 1000 word response to an argument or about a topic, but if I or anyone else asks them about it face to face(like in a bar or at class) they have nothing to say. Like some people have Internet personalities and real life personalities that are different. Grinds my gears for sure.
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[]"Can I return this?"

Not from this store sir...
[]Only diet is to eat less.
[]Sweden is at least in principle obliged to join the Euro eventually. However, they voted against it in a referendum. They have since deliberately avoided meeting one of the criteria, which is being part of the ERM for a certain period of time.
[]Just because YOU only hear it in association with those things doesn't mean it's not being used literally all the time by normal Arabic speaking people who never hurt a fly.
[]So how long is this T-Rex thing gonna be a fad?
[]Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
[]I make pizzas at a local quick shop in town. This guy called and asked if he could get a free pizza since we screwed up on his order 2 weeks before. I mean, you should've called 2 weeks ago?
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[]People that are dumb enough to ignore weather warnings are going to find an excuse no matter what they say. It's not an exact science and it never will be.
[]18 with yellow teeth im so sorry future me that i cant bring myself to brush often enough
[]Stardew Valley. Was a magical game.
[]Right because sitting down and talking about a situation never helped anything... /s

I swear there are more idiotic kids on here now than ever and they make up a larger percent of the reddit demographics.
[]You are a better man than I. I worked tech support and if someone called me and said the same thing I would've put the guy on hold for a few minutes just so I can laugh it off first :P
[]life sucks then you die.
[]Were you guys the "scooter brothers!" guys? If so i used to watch you all the time!
What hotel room doesn't have a bathroom?!

I travelled through South America two years ago, stayed at plenty of hotels where the rooms didn't have bathrooms. I especially remember this one place in Uyuni, Bolovia, where we saw the salt desert.
[]Found the Grass Gym Leader.
[]To mainstream for you?
[]I am continually impressed with the integrity of this show's writing. I'm only on episode five, but I repeatedly find myself asking in the middle of episodes "wait, they forgot to show us that" or "we should be seeing X character's reaction to this" or "why is this particular conversation happening?" And every time so far they have not only produced a logical explanation by the end of the next episode, but integrate these sleights of hand into the plot as if it couldn't have developed any other way. Any show can drop an obvious plot device to create and resolve conflict, but it takes effort to write a drama that turns mostly on character flaws and relationship strains without coming off as soapy.

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