The Making of Parasaurolophus - Dinostory - Dinosaur Songs by Howdytoons

2017-02-16 46

Here is the animatic (rough version) for our Parasaurolophus video, which we used to plan out the final draft.

Parasaurolophus is a mouthful for all of us. Count how many different types of dinosaurs you see in this song. Can you name them all? Some we've included are Argentinosaurus, Archaeornithomimus, Oviraptor, Spinosaurus, Iguanodon, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus, Eoraptor, Allosaurus, Pentaceratops, and of course the Parasaurolophus!!

"Parasaurolophus is a Mouthful for all of us" is a song on the album "Dinostory: The Ultimate Dinosaur Rock Opera" by Mike Whitla

Words and Music by Mike Whitla
© 2011 Rock'n'Rainbow Music Publishing

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Parasaurolophus is a Mouthful For All of Us
Words and Music by Mike Whitla © 2011 Rock'n'Rainbow Music Publishing

Parasaurolophus, is a mouthful for all of us.
How come our name's so hard to say?
I guess we're just born that way.

Parasaurolophus, with a horn on the top of us.
We've got this crazy cranial crest.
When we blow it the sound is the best.

I'm a Parasaurolophus. He's a Parasaurolophus.
And I've got something for all of us.
He's got something for all of us.
A song I wrote to keep it straight,
All the dinosaurs with names so great.
So pay attention to the song I play.
You can learn all the dinosaur names today.

Well, you got so many different kinds.
You got your Protoceratops and your Argentinosaurus,
Archaeornithomimus, Oviraptor, Spinosaurus,
Iguanodon, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus,
Eoraptor, Allosaurus, Pentaceratops,
But not Brontosaurus, he's not a dinosaur.
Troödon, Ankylosaurus, Giganotosaurus, Ornithomimus,
Euoplocephalus, Prenocephale, Megaraptor, Archaeopteryx.

I'm a Parasaurolophus,
And I showed something to all of yah's.
I've got this tube on the top of my head.
I'm gonna blow it now, yeah, that's what I said.

He's a Parasaurolophus. I'm a Parasaurolophus.
And he showed something to all of us.
I showed something to all of yah's.
We think it's time for this song to end.
But we've got one more note to send.

Howdytoons brings you the best music videos and cartoons for kids including Dinostory, Rainbow Songs and Rock'n'Rainbow.
Stay tuned for more Dinosaur Songs.

Music about Dinosaurs

Music © 2016 Rock'n'Rainbow Music Publishing
Video © 2016 Rainbow Songs Inc.