When and why Quran is revealed in arabic for what purpose _ 2_8 by Mohammad Shaikh (2013)

2016-10-04 1

Ayaat Quoted:
SAAD 38:71 When your Lord said for the angels surely I am the Creator of human from clay.
SAAD 38:72 When I have made him even and breathed into him from My Spirit then fall down prostrating for him.
AL-BAQARA2:185 Ramazan is that month in which Al-Quran / The Reading is being revealed as a guide for mankind, and clarification from the guidance and from the criterion, so from you whosoever witnessed that month then he should fast in it....
AL-HUJURAT 49:13 ...and divide you into nations and tribes ....
AR-ROOM 30:22 ...and difference of your languages and colors...
HA-MEEM 41:44 And if We have made Quran / Reading other than Arabic definitely they would have said, why not its ayats/signs are being in detail. What “non Arabic” and “Arabic”? Say, It is a guidance and a healing for those who believe. And for those who believe not, there is deafness in their ears, and over them is blindness, and they are those who are being called from distant place.
AL-QAMAR 54:17,22,32,40 And without doubt We have made Al-Quran / The Reading easy for remembrance, then is there any that will remember?
AL-REHMAN 55:1 (Allah) The most Gracious.
AL-REHMAN 55:2 He taught Al-Quran / The Reading.
AL-REHMAN 55:3 He created man.
AL-REHMAN 55:4 He taught him the clarification.

There many religious books in the world whose adherents are all claiming that the book they follow is from God. However, with so many choices how does someone seeking guidance from God know which book (if any) is from God? And, even more importantly, how do they know they have The Truth from God in written form that can be verified by people from all religions and backgrounds? These are one of the most fundamental questions anyone who is seeking guidance from God must ask. On a visit to North America in 2013, Mohammad Shaikh delivered this lecture on the topic “Is Quran the Book of God / Allah?” where he provided internal evidence from the Quran to satisfy these fundamental questions in a way that no other scholar or preacher in the world has done in our present time, for any religious text including the Quran. It is highly recommended to watch this lecture along with other lectures in the series of lectures on the Book of God / Allah delivered by Mohammad Shaikh