Eminem Rap God Krabby Patty Remix

2016-10-03 35

All the way to the top!
where I live, a full driver's ed course wasn't mandatory. all you needed was like three days of class and then you could test for a permit. most people only finished the entirety of the course for the insurance break (myself included). then you just needed to log X hours of drive time with an instructor and Y hours of observing another student driving, and they sent you off to get your license. I didn't even take a driving test, I just traded my permit for a license.

(the laws may have changed; I've been driving for a while now)
Mom's apple pie
Also Britain and France didn't actually ally with each other until after WW1 started. It's a common misconception, but if you are being taught they they were allied that is incorrect.
Ghost: Meliora

is their industrial scale replicators

wasn't another plot point that they had a ridiculously limited supply of photon torpedos because they didn't have industrial replicators to replace them?
who or what is your biggest inspiration when it comes to creating music/covering songs?
I had an extra rule added between your 3rd and 4th "Prefer saving more people". If you start looking outside the specific cases and additional casualties due to action over inaction is a problem you could add a clause like "only if difference in people saved is 2 or greater".
After reading through this looks like i got some movie watching to do
Did they sneak in or were they let in for some guerilla marketing?
You're a bastard.
Give me the under
can confirm, but if you had guilt before, the process to get rid of it is somewhat straining
Omg the book is on a whole other level. Seriously the movie is pure shit compared to the book.

The movie cut out almost all of the murders, it cut out some of the scariest scenes (The Dorsey scene, the Leper on Neibolt street scene, the Adrian Mellon scene, the fire at The Black Spot, etc), the movie never explains what IT is or how old IT is, it also cut out the intense ending.

The book is definitely worth the read.

“He got up and walked over to the stormdrain. He dropped to his knees and peered in. The water made a dank hollow sound as it fell into the darkness. It was a spooky sound. It reminded him of— “Huh!” The sound was jerked out of him as if on a string, and he recoiled. There were yellow eyes in there: the sort of eyes he had always imagined but never actually seen down in the basement. It’s an animal, he thought incoherently, that’s all it is, some animal, maybe a housecat that got stuck down in there—

Still, he was ready to run—would run in a second or two, when his mental switchboard had dealt with the shock those two shiny yellow eyes had given him. He felt the rough surface of the macadam under his fingers, and the thin sheet of cold water flowing around them. He saw himself getting up and backing away, and that was when a voice—a perfectly reasonable and rather pleasant voice—spoke to him from inside the storm drain.

“Hi, Georgie,” it said.”

I don't know your settings but if you were using Zeus I recommend turning the AI skill level down, if it's maxed they will tear you a new one.
If you mean people were staying in a lane until it merged, that's the most efficient way to merge assuming (and this is REALLY going out on a limb in the US) that everyone is zipper merging. Took me a long time to realize and understand that myself - used to hate people that waited til the last second.

If you mean people were riding the shoulder past the point the lane ended, they're dicks.
Are the locations consistent/predictable?

What makes the non-specific ones sometimes feel sensual?
I'm not sure. It probably did. But i had to look up the author after i got a little ways in just to see who would write something like this and so if it didn't say it up front then i would have found out there. But even the person who recommended it never represented it as anything other than fiction.
I exploded with that one
Highlander II: The Quickening.

It takes all the interesting mythology of the original and throws it down the toilet, making all Immortals dimension-hopping aliens instead. It also has the destruction of the ozone layer in it, as it is set "in the future".

Actually, Highlander V: The Source is really awful as well. They both made Highlander III: The Sourcer look half-decent. Highlander IV: Endgame is terrible, just not as terrible.

How can such a good premise have such terrible movies?! The original movie and the TV series were pretty good.
The "worst" scene for me was when they shoot up Weller in the warehouse and one of the mercenaries' taunts him by saying "Are you gonna cry?". I was 18 and that was unsettling to me.
Very nice, but tag this NSFW


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